We are here to serve and services..
As allowed for in the Act, the municipality has chosen to differentiate between various categories of
property and categories of owners of property as contemplated in clause 7 and 8 of this policy.
Some categories of property and categories of owners are granted relief from rates. The municipality
however does not grant relief in respect of payments for rates to any category of owners or
properties, or to owners of properties on an individual basis.
There would be no phasing in of rates based on the new valuation roll, except as prescribed by
legislation and in accordance with clause 16 of this policy.
* for the a full pdf copy of the policy documents, locate download policy below.
Details pertaining to the applications of the various property rates tariffs are annually published in the Provincial Gazette and the municipality’s schedule of tariffs, which must be read in conjunction with this policy.
View moreRebates offer institutions the benefit of giving its customers a temporary discount on certain services, to stimulate sales, while allowing it to maintain its current policy price point.
Rates are levied in accordance with the Act as an amount in the rand based on the market value of all rateable property contained in the municipality’s valuation roll and supplementary valuation roll.
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18.2 In accordance with the Act the municipality, under exceptional circumstances, may decide to extend
the validity of the valuation roll to 5 (five) years by applying for approval to the MEC for Local
Government and Housing in the province.
18.3 Supplementary valuations will be done on a continual basis but at least on an annual basis.
Download yourself a complete copy of Matjhabeng Local Municipality schools in pdf version.