supplying clean drinking water to the communities..
These areas comprise of residential, business and industrial users that are serviced. In the table to the right the different users are summarised. Growth During the 2008/09 financial year the Municipality purchased 32 125 Ml of water from Sedibeng Water.
Water Supply Distributor
The administration operations is done by Matjhabeng Municipality in regulating services tariffs. Municipal tarrifs on accounts are charged monthly.
Water Supply Partner
Our water supuply and maintenance is done by Sedibeng Waters to bring clean water. Improving the lives of many Matjhabeng residents.
Matjhabeng Municipality - Water Supply
The South African Census, conducted in 2011, along with 2019 Quantec data, indicates whether residents of the MLM have
been afforded the right to clean drinking water and to what extent water accessibility has improved over time. This information is
Residents of the MLM have more secure access to drinking water than in the Lejweleputswa DM and Free
State Province, while being on par with the rest of the country. In 2019, 56% of MLM households have a water tap in their home,
compared to 49% of those in the Lejweleputswa DM and 46% of households in Free State. This represents an increase of 8% since
2009, owing to the development of water infrastructure in the municipality.
Access to sufficient water is a right as enshrined in the Constitution. However, it cannot be said that this right is realised if the quality
of that water poses health risks for human consumption. This is the basis from which the incentive-based regulation Blue Drop (BD)
Certification Programme was developed in 2008. The BD allows service providers manage and regulate water quality
management according to standards and legislation.
Matjhabeng has a BD of 93%, which is higher than the average municipality rating. Compared to the wider
region, only Maluti-A-Phofung LM has a higher BD of 98%, due to the pristine mountain water sources.
As seen in Map 10, the average households with piped water inside their houses, in the wider region is approximately 50%, while
41% of the households have at least one running tap on their property. In comparison, the MLM households have above average
access to water, although Metsimaholo LM has 17% greater access to piped water than the MLM, indicating that the economic
position of Metsimaholo LM households is currently greater.